The Skylight Girl ♂
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100% mine, with basecode from Wana and useful tutorial from ieqa
Having A good Time!~

Someone posted in my cbox and said: Owner, I do love your pic in ur blog, I want it but it is unlinked and can't drag, it's useless!
 Assalamualaikum and hye to all earthling, anyway the answer for the question above is: I'm sorry, and if you love any pic in my blog, and you want it, please, find it by yourself okay, I'm so tired find it in any sites,, but you just want it like that? and I know sharing is caring, if you want it too, just tell me, I'll give the URL , okay? :)
Let's back to our main story,,, today, I went to my sister's school and also my primary school 3 years ago,,, I've schooled there for about 6 years. My sister get no1 in her class so, as today is 'HARI ANUGERAH CEMERLANG' so I follow my mom go there. ACt, today my other friends are outing to T.S ,,, and me? Haha no money meh, I've spend all of my monthly money to buy ** , okay I do adore that* so much!!! And when it is SALE, so why not?
Okay, my family and I arrived there at about 8.30a.m, and yes! SHARP! CERAMAH dah habis. And I was like,, ASDFGHJKL. My mom asked me to register,,, went into the hall, and find a seat. When I've sit, ,, talking-2, and when I turn back, guess! I saw my old Friend si GIGI! :) and then, I heard he talked to his father like this: Itu laa Zuhairah,, and ... ASDFGHJKL. I turn front, focused to what the (I don't know who) talked about.. and,, then, anugerah Tokoh,,, and all! LOL, I'm jelly because the prize is so,, freaking awesome meh, while I was in grade 6 , and I get that award,,, I only get *. Anyway, I'm still grateful , alhamdulillah. anyway, the KOMPANG FORMATION is too awesome,perfecto! :) SERIOUSLY! Congratz to cikgu mazri. And when it is my sister's turn, my mom asked me to snap her pic, haha :) ... there and there......... after that talking with GIGI ,,,,, He asked me there and there,,,, I'm just nodding,, at lastly he asked about PMR, he said: eh, asal budak sk lagi bagos dari MRSM! haha, I just smile and said: ye laa even kitaorg sekolah biasa, kitaorg boleh archive maybe higher dari sekolah kau!!!!! Then, I met with my others friend.!!! YEAH I miss you beauty! :) ..... talking-2 ( secret conversation) and yeah, finally I went back to my family. I saw GIGI is talking with Anwar and what??? Errr,,,,,,, he is just too different . Seriously he is?? Girls with Girls, Boys, with boys... and then talking with our teachers. P/s: don't be suprised if you guys read,,, we are just talking, well! There are many things to be told as we are not meet for about 2 years... at last I left them cuz my mom asked me to follow her eating at the canteen. 
* * *
12.30 p.m, I went back my home, before that, met with anwar and aidi. LOL, they ride the motorcycle like.......! Errr,,,  well talked, and asked : korang tak pergi T.S ke? Them: nak pergi laa ni , kau nak balik ke? tak pergi? Me: LOL, pergi sana naik motor? Them: laughing,,,,,,,,, Me: err, saje nak mengenakan aku! Then I just remembered what rais said at FB about him,,,,,! He's totally changed.! Sorry beb,,,,, mengata kau ea? :)
Anyway wassalam,,,,, and I think Iamma going to post something more useful in this blog. So keep visiting! :) Thank you.