The Skylight Girl ♂
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100% mine, with basecode from Wana and useful tutorial from ieqa
Future Study (Part2)

Perasan tak blog ni bertukar wajah?
Hyeee dear alls,, annyeong assalamualaikum, heheh since many people are asking me, sis where your new entry? Keep updating please,,, haa alright so by tonight I'm going to publish new entry with new template, hehe. Anyway, I'm thinking of a fresh and cheerful template, ahhah so am I have succeeded? Fresh and cheerful enough huh? Hahha or still like the old one :) Therefore, the combination of purple and pink were used as the colour theme of my template to full fill the 'Fresh and Cheerful' theme. Hahha. And I'm still confuse about the song, I just love this song so I use it for temporary, hahahahah if you guys have any suggestion about the song, kindly drop ur opinion in my okay. Heheh. 
 And again,,,, please view my blog by using Google Chrome for HQ okay, ahha because all the length and width are nicely fit google chrome but.... laptop or PC ahhaha. It may look slightly or a bit 'kucar kacir' if you're viewing by your cellphone or tab. Okay okay. Hhaha just an introductory.

Now lets start my 'actual' entry, ihiksss...

Future Study (Part 2)

So who's batch 97? Say YEAY! Hahah, okay let me continue in Malay, anyway just now I'm spending quite some hours strolling down memory lanes... Hahha act I do have another personal blog but I've made it private, hahah and read all the posts that I've published make I myself laugh, hahah how kiddy, the way I wrote my posts. Hax3. k0. Lulz, and many more, ahahha :) Okay I was in form 2 at that time, hehe alright forget it.

Jadi hangpa hangpa yang batch 97 yang dah say YEAYYYY tadi mesti ada yang dah sambung belajar overseas, atau mungkin dalam negara. Haa tak tau laa rasanya ramai dah sambung kan ke belum? hahah, Okay, selain tu, mesti ramai yang mohon MATRIKS, IPG, dan sebagainya kan, tergantung kepada minat masing-masing laa kan? Kalau dapat tu mesti gembiraaa terkesimaaa kan kan? Yang tak dapat mesti sedih, okay normal. Tapi, kita percaya mesti ada hikmah disebalik semua ni sebab Allah semestinya tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita kan. Jadi mesti Allah dah aturkan sesuatu yang lebih daripada jangkaan kita, kita hanya perlu berdoa je. 

Dan the same thing goes to me, mohon mana pun tak diterima. Asal keputusan keluar, dengan hati yang berkobar-kobar, terus check, but then... MAAF ANDA GAGAL and bla bla bla. Nak kata keputusan teruk... taklaa kot alhamdulillah cemerlang juga walaupun tak secemerlang pelajar yang lain, tapi tetap bersyukur. But I already knew the answer and the reason why I was denied. So don't ask me what it is okay? Hhaha, sedih sebak sangat. Kawan-kawan yang lain even ada yang lebih bawah tu semua yeayy dapat matriks, alhamdulillah dpt IPG. Kadang rasa, Ya Allah keputusan yang aku dapat ni tak cukup lagi ke, takkan takde mercy untuk aku? Sedih tau, rasa nak menangis setiap kali check keputusan,, hehe nasib baik time check tu sorang sorang so nak meroyan after that jerit jerit semua takpe. Hahhah. Sebenarnya apa yang lebih menyedihkan nak menyampaikan berita ni dekat mak ayah. 'mesti mak ayah kecewa dan semestinya lebih sedih daripada aku', tu je yang dok terlintas and berlegar dekat kepala ni. Hhaha , 

Dan suatu malam lepas bagi tau pasal matriks and T6, dengar mak ayah bincang, Kalau UPU nanti pun dia tak dapat mcm mana? Nak terus masukkan form 6? Kalau dulu teruskan je hantar dia ke pondok sklh saya dulu, boleh je dia sambung sana terus. Kalau dia takde rezeki kat sini, takpelaa hantar dia ke U di Jakarta sanalaa, mungkin ada rezeki dekat sana. What Jakarta? Kemain jauh benau tuuuu, jauh amat. Tak pernah tau berpisah sejauh tu sebelum ni, masa form 1 tu pun tolak asrama, because I just cannot. hahha, Tapi berharap sangat dpt asasi Amin... 

Anyway last but not least,,,, Ahad ni nak pi beriadah dengan kawan-kawan dekat Metro, Ya Allah I'm gonna miss them so much, gonna miss all the moments that we have created all the way 2 years we knew each other, gonna miss playing and doing sports with em. Gonna miss all!! So, mmg ahad ni diaorang rancang memacam, ehhe but I really hope that our friendship is endless , and I really hope that we won't forget each other.

P/s: Rasanya kena tukar lagu lebih cheerful laa hahah sbb lagu ni agak sedih terdorong update post sedih je hahaha, okay soon okay soon I'll think about other better song. Hehhe,
P/s: Hari tu buku fixi ada buat pertandingan CERTOT tajuk M!! Hahha... act nak join, tapi cerita pasal lain okay, ahhaha bukan pasal M, sebab normally yang menang ni ada plot twisted, so terfikir satu cerita ni, but then... I missed the deadline, totally forgot yang esoknya pukul 10 pg kena hantar, heheh bila lepas subuh nak menulis tu mcm mengantuk so terus tertidur haaa, sokay,sokay. 

That's all, panjang kan? Hahhaha macam biasalaaa kan :-) Rindu buat karangan katakan, ihiksss...